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Imagination shapes reality. Let us bring your ideas to life.

We deliver customer-centric experiences through innovation in digital products and business models.

Three principles we stand behind in
every part of our work



Curiosity drives innovation. At Puna we embrace the unknown, look beyond and turn ideas into our greatest purposes and inspirations.



As a diverse team that addresses diverses projects, our path to understanding and adaptation is constant, we learn to live up to our goals.



Standing out from the rest is never going to be a chance. We create products with argumental quality and set constant parameters of evolution.

We are Puna

We are a team of designers, developers, strategists and problem solvers, too. We share a common goal: using the power of imagination and creativity we want to build digital experiences that can change people’s lives.

Juan Abal

Co-Founder / Developer

Jonatan Valor

Co-Founder / Full Stack - Dev

Agustina Cardoso

Co-Founder / Project manager

Sebastián Fernandes

UI Developer

Belén Franco

Co-Founder / UX UI Designer

Agustin Fernandes

Co-Founder / Product designer

Juan Abal

Juan Abal

Front-end Developer

Agustina Cardoso

Agustina Cardoso

Project Manager

Jonatan Valor

Jonatan Valor

Full Stack Developer

Belén Franco

Belén Franco

UX & UI Designer

Sebastián Fernandes

Sebastián Fernandes

UI Developer

Agustin Fernandes

Agustin Fernandes

Product Designer

Our Philosophy

We are whole-brain thinkers who merge creativity and analytics. We balance artistic imagination with strong technical proficiency.


Our track record of trusted partners and clients

We’ve teamed up with some great people over the years







The purpose drives us

© 2020 - 2024 Puna Studio. All rights reserved